Members of American Legion Post #11 visit local nursing homes annually on Veterans Day. Members give a brief Veterans Day speech followed by a presentation of a small gift to each veteran.
This year the veterans received a personalized flashlight with their name on it along with their service branch. Each facility then has cake and punch for their residents.
At The Gardens are veterans (seated, from left) Larry Taylor, Jim Copeland, Ozzie Ramaekers, Ralph Hoyt and Ron Sipe; and American Legion members (standing, from left) Past Commander Kenny Arbuckle, Commander Fred Long, and Post Adjutant Barb Labate
Pictured at Regency Park are veterans (front, from left) Robert Sell Jr., Robert Friesner, and Luis Casals; and American Legion members (back, from left) Commander Fred Long, Past Commander Kenny Arbuckle, and Post Adjutant Barb Labate